2.2. Although best efforts have been made to ensure that the best and widest possible services are made available, however RSJ does not claim that all the Statutes as applicable to the Company are made available in the system. Further, pursuant to the specific request of the Company certain provisions and Acts have been deactivated from the system..
2.3. It is further brought to knowledge that the system has been developed keeping in view the current scenario and legal Environment in which the Company is operating. However, the Applicability of the statutes may change from time to time, hence, the Company is required to periodically review the same to ensure the system is up to date at all time.
4.2. Although, every effort is made to ensure that the material is accurate and up to date. However, Users are advised to verify/check any information with the relevant Government department(s) and/or other source(s), and to obtain any appropriate professional advice before acting on the information provided in the Portal.
5.2. The Statutes, forms and other literature in the Library Section on this portal is not sold and is made available free of cost to the user. The library is to be used for reference purpose only and RSJ does not claim any copyright on the same.
7.2. No Liability a. RSJ makes reasonable effort to ensure that the information provided on the Portal is accurate but does not guarantee or warrant its accuracy, adequacy, correctness, validity, completeness or suitability for any purpose. b. RSJ accepts no responsibility with respect to the accuracy of information on the Portal. c. RSJ does not represent that the information downloaded from this Portal is completely error-free and accurate or the servers that make this Portal available, are free of viruses or harmful components. Though due care has been taken to make the database completely reliable and error-free, RSJ claims exemption from any liability arising out of any such error in the data base.
The information/material and any downloads made available on this Portal is provided or made available on an “As Is†basis. RSJ Lexsys Pvt. Ltd. expressly disclaims to the maximum limit permissible by law, all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limiting to warranties of merchantability, non-infringement and fitness for a particular purpose.
The information contained in this Portal is merely directional for general information purposes only. This Portal is not a substitute for independent professional and / or legal advice and RSJ Lexsys Pvt. Ltd. recommends that users obtain appropriate professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. No person should act or fail to act solely on the basis of these materials.
The information provided by this Portal is the property of RSJ Lexsys Pvt. Ltd.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, RSJ Lexsys Pvt. Ltd. disclaims all responsibility for any loss, injury, liability or damage of any kind resulting from and arising out of, or any way related to, without limitation:
any errors in or omissions from this Portal and its content, including but not limited to technical inaccuracies and typographical errors;
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your use of this Portal; and
verification of statutory deadlines.
RSJ Lexsys Pvt. Ltd. makes reasonable effort to ensure that the information provided on this Portal is accurate but does not guarantee or warrant its accuracy, adequacy, correctness, validity, completeness or suitability for any purpose.
RSJ Lexsys Pvt. Ltd. does not represent that the information downloaded from this Portal is completely error-free and accurate or the servers that make this Portal available, are free of viruses or harmful components. Though due care has been taken to make the database completely reliable and error-free, RSJ Lexsys Pvt. Ltd. claims exemption from any liability arising out of any such error in the data base.
RSJ Lexsys Pvt. Ltd. accepts no responsibility in respect of the information available on this Portal and the actions taken by you in furtherance to the information provided herein.
RSJ Lexsys Pvt. Ltd. provides documents that you are likely to use in legal or non-legal transactions. However, RSJ Lexsys Pvt. Ltd. does not warranty any material provided herein, nor are they creating an Attorney-Client or Attorney- Attorney relationship by providing such material.
All materials and forms in this database are provided without any warranty, express or implied, as to their legal effect and completeness. Forms should be used as a guide and modified to suit your requirement and laws. Please use at your own risk.